Tiny tiny iddy fix thing

Apparently there's an issue with the joy ending(s) where the game wouldn't support the sound format that it uses throughout the entire rest of the game(???????????????????)

Anyway, that should be fixed now, consider it version 1.01 if you want to give it a title.

Scream at me if you find anything worth changing, laters.


Hopeful in Joyful.rar 143 MB
Jul 04, 2020

Get Hopeful in Joyful


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(Firstly i want to apologize for my bad english due to its not my lative language)

This mod is really good, i played it 3 times and unlocked all endings, but there need balance changes. This game was easy for i am who played LISA RPG and Hopeful itself. But i also have joy and fun playing it due to my love to Hopeful crew


Lucrative Tea. This shit is imbalanced. For 13 mags you can give it to Rod which can heal and restore sp to all your teammates.  Possible solution is to make it give you +-30 tp instead of 100, or remove it from bartender absolutely. 

The Hottest Mag. 35 mags for infinite source of SP for both Lanks and Beltboy making game really easy. Solution is to raise the price from 35 to at least 65 or remove from Reginald and made findable in some secret room or droppable from enemy, but only 1 in total.

Green Helmet. You can sell it for 150 mags, its too much. Make it unsellable

Hart  belt buckle. Decrease stats by 15-30%. Getting this buckle and wear it on Beltboy makes the rest of the game Easy mode.


I have a question for first encounter. Where is rest of Lenny Luigal's gang? Add everyone, make it Hard dude

Dig Rhino. If you beat him before Jonhny Walfus and Gary Panther he will still appear on cliff. 

Winner Winner what's four dinner boys. Change the dialog when attacking them, its just feels cheap and bad. Also increase their stats and add to musicians status resist to Intimidation. "Intimidate" makes fight too easy

SIndy Gallows and Cultists. They were much weaker than Dice Mahone guys and Mahone itself. Increase they DMG and MHP, they are just too easy. Also you can try to give Sindy lick wounds ability with debuff curing

Big Lincoln. Make him have turn twice or give resistance to burn/poisoning, he was too easy for 4 savages.

Sweetheart. Make it stronger and give ability to attack everyone at once, it was too easy

Throne. That fight was epic, but when you destroy the Throne before joy mutants only Benjamin would be defeated.

Bobbo. It's shame you don't add this big boy anywhere. Add it please somewhere

The Hopeful Crew

Beltboy. Just give him ability to "Smile", i think it would be cool.

Cyclops. Weaken Final rush and make it achieveable on level 10-12. 

Lanks. Weaken Rousing applause and make it achieveable before Vega battle with those Big Guys with Full Force attacks.

Rodriquez. I always thought he would be better be SP-based, but it would be imbalanced.  i like how you lowers TP costs on some skills, it was very fitting and balanced.

Thank you very much for this mod, i love it and i love you